
How to view the Hitting screen

You can check the top three batters in each league.

Hitting Switches to the batting records screen.
Pitching Switches to the pitching records screen.
AVG (Batting average) Displays the top three batting averages of the league.
TOP20 Switches to displaying the top 20 players.
H (Hits) Displays the top three players for hits in the league.
RBI (Runs batted in) Displays the top three players for runs batted in, in the league.
SB (Stolen bases) Displays the top three players for stolen bases in the league.
HR (Home run) Displays the top three payers for home runs in the league.
Award winners Displays details about award winners. The button will not be available until awards are given out.
Back Takes you back to the Main screen.

How to view the Pitching screen

You can check the top three pitchers in each league.

How to view the Top 20 screen

Hitting Switches to the top 20 batting records screen.
Pitching Switches to the top 20 pitching records screen.
Pull-down menu Allows you to display different categories of data. Pull-down menu
TOP3 Displays the top 3 Pitchers.
Data Displays information of the selected category.
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