
How to view the Mailbox screen

Mail Takes you to your mailbox.
Friend List Takes you to the Friend List screen. How to view the Friend List screen
Black List Takes you to the Black List screen. How to view the Black List screen
Team search Takes you to the Team Search screen. How to view the Team Search screen
Inbox You can check the mails sent to you from other players. The figure indicates the number of unread mails.

* You can save up to 100 mails in your inbox.

Sent You can check the mails sent by you to other players. The figure indicates the number of unread mails.

* You can save up to 100 mails in your sent box.

News You can check the mails sent to you from Sega. The figure indicates the number of unread mails.

* You can save up to 100 mails in your News box.

Sent and received mails You can check mails you've sent and received by choosing a box to view.
Read/unread mails Read and unread mails in the inbox will be indicated with these icons.
Details You can check the details of each mail by selecting it.
New Compose new mail.
Reply Reply to sender by clicking on the mail you wish to reply to. How to reply
Delete all Delete all mails you have ticked off. How to delete mails
Back Takes you back to the Main screen.

How to send mails

There are several ways to send mails to other players.
Here are the most basic steps.

  1. Click on the "New" button.
  2. Select "From Friend List" and click on "OK" in the search method window.
  3. When the Friend List is displayed, select the person you want to mail.
  4. Enter the subject and main text in the COMPOSE NEW MAIL screen, and click on "Send".
    You cannot click on "Send" unless you enter the subject and main text.
    Now try sending mails to other players!

How to reply

Try replying to mails from other players.

  1. Click on "Reply" after selecting the mail you wish to reply from your inbox.
  2. Enter the subject and main text in the COMPOSE NEW MAIL screen, and click on "Send".

How to delete mails

You can delete mails you received in your mailbox.

  1. Select the "box" you wish to delete mails from.

    * "Inbox" is selected in this example. Same procedure applies for deleting mails in the Sent box and News box.

  2. Check the box of the mail you wish to delete.
  3. Click "Delete" button.
  4. Confirm the procedure by clicking "OK".

    * Think carefully as you cannot retrieve mails that have been deleted.

Sent box

You can view and delete the mails in your Sent box by clicking on the "Sent" button.

News box

You can view and delete the mails in your News box by clicking on the "News" button.

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